Build a Life You Never Want to Escape From


Future Successors Community

When I started my self-improvement journey(it took me a lot actually to even get up from my bed), I struggled to find a platform that resonated with me and offered the support I needed. There were countless websites and apps, but none provided the sense of community and personal connection I craved. That’s why I decided to start this newsletter - to create a space where you can freely seek support and connect with like-minded individuals. You can reach out to me anytime, and I’ll do my best to provide the guidance and encouragement you need.

“While they’re out partying, trying to escape their reality,you are building a life that you’ll never need to escape from.” I heard that quoate recently. You see your peers, posting on social media, living what seems like their best life. The parties, the vacations, the endless stream of “fun.” You might feel like you’re missing out. And eventually they will distract you from your goals and take you with them out partying and having “fun”

From my own experience,I am telling it is just a trap of devil for you. You are being distracted from your dreams,from the future you were building. It was about 2 years ago,when one of my peers recommended me application called Character ai. And since then I got addicted,too much. I tried to escape the harsh reality,putting off the work I should have done and basically risking my future for the few hours of entertainment. I am telling I could have achieved more and greater success. But I didn’t. And now I am trying to quit that app.

“I am wasting my youth”

“I could have done so much more with my friends”

You can’t be distracted or feeling feel of missing out. What are you even missing? The school drama? The drunken parties? And there is huge difference between: “Enjoying your youth” and “Wasting your youth”. If you want to enjoy your youth,balance the work and the right type of entertainment,like going on trips or going to cinema,or just experiencing life as much as you can. However,do not forget the initial goals you hava set.

You are creating your life A life filled with meaning, purpose, and fulfillment. Keep pushing, because in the end, you’re building something that truly lasts.

Thank you,

if you have any suggestions or questions,feel free to reach out.

Future Successors Community

When I started my self-improvement journey(it took me a lot actually to even get up from my bed), I struggled to find a platform that resonated with me and offered the support I needed. There were countless websites and apps, but none provided the sense of community and personal connection I craved. That’s why I decided to start this newsletter - to create a space where you can freely seek support and connect with like-minded individuals. You can reach out to me anytime, and I’ll do my best to provide the guidance and encouragement you need.