Doubting yourself?


Future Successors Community

When I started my self-improvement journey(it took me a lot actually to even get up from my bed), I struggled to find a platform that resonated with me and offered the support I needed. There were countless websites and apps, but none provided the sense of community and personal connection I craved. That’s why I decided to start this newsletter - to create a space where you can freely seek support and connect with like-minded individuals. You can reach out to me anytime, and I’ll do my best to provide the guidance and encouragement you need.

It is very familiar feeling when you feel not good enough or even you feel like you are running out of time. And I have experienced it too. Seeing "young billionaires" on social media or watching someone who is standing on the stage and getting applauds. I felt like burden. Maybe I am not trying enough? Maybe I was meant to be loose? Such a nonsense. While you’re busy doubting yourself, someone out there is looking at you in awe, wondering how you manage to keep it all together. They’re afraid of your potential, intimidated by your resilience, and can’t quite understand how you do it.

You know,they say “Comparison will kill your joy”. And it is the truth. Even if you are not satisfied with your results and progress,you never ever should do negative self-talk. Cause it will lead you to your downfall. Instead,push yourself forward,prove to yourself that you are capable and that you can be better with every single action you will take.

There is someone who is worser than you and of course there is someone who is better than you. However,does it really matter? You basically comparing yourself to a person you barely know.

You’re capable of more than you know. You’re stronger than you think. You just need to realize it and prove it yourself.

Thank you,

if you have any suggestions or questions,feel free to reach out.

Future Successors Community

When I started my self-improvement journey(it took me a lot actually to even get up from my bed), I struggled to find a platform that resonated with me and offered the support I needed. There were countless websites and apps, but none provided the sense of community and personal connection I craved. That’s why I decided to start this newsletter - to create a space where you can freely seek support and connect with like-minded individuals. You can reach out to me anytime, and I’ll do my best to provide the guidance and encouragement you need.