Time blocking Method


Future Successors Community

When I started my self-improvement journey(it took me a lot actually to even get up from my bed), I struggled to find a platform that resonated with me and offered the support I needed. There were countless websites and apps, but none provided the sense of community and personal connection I craved. That’s why I decided to start this newsletter - to create a space where you can freely seek support and connect with like-minded individuals. You can reach out to me anytime, and I’ll do my best to provide the guidance and encouragement you need.

Time blocking method is basically for the efficient time management. You divide your workday into individual blocks of time and schedule tasks throughout the day. Each time block is designated for a purpose, and is only used for that particular task or goal. Blocks can be designated for any task or goal that’s relevant for you on any given day or week. For example, you may divide your day into blocks for:

  • Meetings
  • Creating proposals
  • Client work
  • Administrative work
  • Answering emails or phone calls
  • Breaks/lunch
  • Studies
  • and etc.

Plus,time blocking helps you to prioritize the asks,putting the urgent tasks on the first place.

And there are 3 types of time blocking (I fond out about recently)

  1. Task Batching – this method groups similar tasks together to complete at one time. As an example, you may set 2 blocks during the day to read and respond to emails, to replace your habit of checking email once an hour. The purpose of batching tasks is to cut down on how often you mentally switch between tasks, or what’s known as context switching. Eliminated context switching helps you maintain focus so you can complete all similar tasks at once, before moving on to your next task.
  2. Day Theming – having a theme for each day allows you to devote the entire day to a particular task. An example of day theming is to schedule all of your planning on Mondays, perform client work on Tuesdays, do your marketing on Wednesday, and so on. You can repeat theme days throughout the week, such as working on client projects on Mondays and Thursdays.
  3. Time Boxing – in this method, you set restrictions on your time blocks, specifying a specific time, task, desired results. For instance, suppose you’re working on client proposals. Instead of simply designating a two hour block to work on the proposals, your time box would specify that in that two hour block, you’ll finish writing 3 proposals. Setting time limits and productivity goals can be a fun way to challenge yourself to finish in the allotted time, as well as gamify the task.

As for the tools,I recommend using Google Calender and Notion Calender (there are actually the same thing,the Notion Calender is a modern one)

Thank you,

if you have any suggestions or questions,feel free to reach out.

Future Successors Community

When I started my self-improvement journey(it took me a lot actually to even get up from my bed), I struggled to find a platform that resonated with me and offered the support I needed. There were countless websites and apps, but none provided the sense of community and personal connection I craved. That’s why I decided to start this newsletter - to create a space where you can freely seek support and connect with like-minded individuals. You can reach out to me anytime, and I’ll do my best to provide the guidance and encouragement you need.